Exciting 9 Months We look forward to every new life and we are especially happy to accompany you through this time.
No matter how small your stomach is at the beginning, the list of questions and uncertainties is often very big. That is normal. Whether uncomplicated preventive care or high-risk pregnancy, you will be well looked after. The statutory prenatal care is at a very high level in Germany and offers you the following services, which we naturally offer.
Prenatal care
The services of the statutory health insurance companies:
Laboratory tests (blood group, immunity to rubella, antibodies, chlamydia screening, syphilis and hepatitis B screening, if desired HIV, urine test...).
Physical examinations (blood pressure, weight checks, assessment of the cervix, the cervix, the height of the uterus and the vaginal flora
Three insurance authorised ultrasounds (around the 10th, 20th and 30th week of pregnancy), including special organ screening around the 20th week of pregnancy.
Oral Glucose tolerance test (OGTT); Test to rule out undetected gestational diabetes ( 25-28 weeks of gestation).
CTG to record possible contractions and the child's heart pattern. This provides information about the child's condition and the function of the placenta.

In addition, we also offer self-payment services:
Additional ultrasound examinations; Often there is a desire for extra ultrasounds to be sure that the baby is growing according to the charts and whether it is a boy or a girl, to strengthen the relationship with dad and siblings as well.
Ultrasound also by Doppler and 3D/4D additional laboratory tests (eg, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and fifth disease) first trimester screening (non-invasive method for individual risk assessment for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities such as Down's syndrome in an unborn baby)
nuchal translucency measurement, nose, etc. F
irst-trimester screening fine diagnosis - organ screening in the second trimester. Advice and blood sampling NIPT genetic test (trisomy)
Infection screening during pregnancy (e.g. CMV, toxoplasmosis, etc. on request) Prenatest a Previatest (non-invasive examination